Microsoft Office 2011 Torrent Full Download for Mac The Ribbon has returned the unifying interface part across all of the programs in the package. At 32ErrorStatic(Int32 errorCode, String str) at (RegistryHive hKey, String machineName) It seems pretty clear that this is because the user I'm running the powershell script as doesn't have the appropriate credentials to access the remote registry. While there are lots of ways to work with the registry on a remote computer, including using Windows Management Instrumentation, or.NET Framework classes, I like to use a combination of Windows PowerShell remoting and the Windows PowerShell registry provider because it is easier. Reading Remote RegistryKeys inside a Remote. » PowerShell for Windows » Reading Remote RegistryKeys inside a Remote Session. The original reason for the existence of this site was our set of functions for PowerShell which. VIA DEPUTADO JOAO LEOPOLDO JACOMEL (PIRAQUARA) - AV. DEP JOAO LEOPOLDO JACOMEL (PINHAIS) - ROD. Horario De Onibus Jardim Bela Vista PiraquaraĬODIGO: '487 ' NOME: JD.BELA VISTA TRAJETO DE IDA: - TERMINAL PINHAIS - AV.